Vitol at work

Vitol’s long term oil demand outlook

As a physical trader of energy, Vitol has long monitored and forecast demand for crude oil and products. In the context of an evolving energy mix, here we highlight some of our current thinking based on the information we have at present.

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Vitol at work

FuelEU Maritime – what is it, and what does it mean for shipping?

The Fuel EU Maritime is the latest EU regulation aimed at the maritime sector. Read about the European Union’s broader “Fit for 55” package of legislation , which came into force on the 1st of January 2025.

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Vitol at work

Battery energy storage systems – Vitol’s view

Read about our ongoing investment in Battery energy storage systems (BESS) and our view of the challenges to harnessing renewables as a sustainable power source.

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Vitol at work

A pioneering upgrade programme at VPR Refinery

A multi-phase upgrade at Vitol’s VPR Energy refinery in Rotterdam has transformed it into one of Europe’s best environmentally performing sites.

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Vitol at work

Decarbonising Aviation – Vitol’s view

Read more on our view of the challenges that aviation, like maritime and road transportation, faces, in reaching net zero by 2050.

Decarbonising Aviation
Vitol at work

Vitol Bunkers: decarbonising shipping

Vitol supplies marine fuels from key strategic locations including some of the largest bunkering hubs across the globe.

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Vitol at work

SUN Mobility

Vitol invested in SUN Mobility in 2021 and as of today, SUN Mobility has successfully deployed a network of over 160 Swap Points catering to roughly 5,000 electric vehicles across 18 cities in India.

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Vitol on film

Our corporate film showcases where and how we work globally, distributing energy to our customers safely and efficiently.